Saturday, June 21, 2008

A day full of my Favorite Things!

Today has been a great day! It started out with my favorite cereal-Honey Bunches of Oats with Chocolate Cluster(it is also Jason's fav) a cup of hot coffee and catching up on my favorite blogs! Then I went to Jazzercise-oh how I love Jazzercise! It is the best workout I have ever done for serveral reasons 1.) They play great music!2.) It mixes cardio and weight training-which makes for an awesome workout 3.) There are people of all ages and sizes there! There are more but you get the point. After Jazz I went to a few stores and picked up some GREAT deals.
When I got home I walked around to check out how our new garden is doing and saw this!

The first daisy to bloom! Next off to check the mail.

A free magazine and coupons :) ahhhhh Then after actually getting a few things done around the house I took a nap! There are few things the women in my family love more then coffee, chocolate and a good nap. After waking from my peaceful nap I made my way to my favorite coffee shop for a FREE drink.

They were giving out free samples of their new summer drinks- I got the green tea/mango! It was really good. Now it is time to catch up with my hubby who just got home from work then off to church where I will get to see some of my favorite friends.
Oh happy day!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Wow, beth - you really cleaned up today! (I mean that in the "acquiring lots of things" way instead of "getting rid of dirt" way, although maybe you did that too)
Thanks for sending the deals. If I can get my act together, I may even go tomorrow after the nursery