Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Quarterly Car Wash

Everyone in my family is obsessed with keeping their cars clean-well everyone except for Jason and I. Not that we don't like a nice clean car it just isn't a big deal for us. So when we where doing our quarterly car wash this weekend I found this container of car wash rather funny. My brother got it for Jason 2 years ago for his birthday and we have used it for every wash since. Notice how much is gone-I wasn't kidding about the quarterly washings :) The funnier part is he got the same gift for my dad and brother-in-law and I am SURE they went through it in a few months. At this rate it will last us about 10 years!

Note: Our car actually gets washed more ofter, just not by us. My family is so obsessed they ofter wash our car for us while we are visiting. I think they are embarassed to have it in the driveway as dirty as it normally is :)

1 comment:

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